Daydream Grid
Version 0.1.2
Software Used:
Game designed to give “walking around new neighbor hood” feeling.
Only have tile/chunk and building generation.
If it lags, walk back until it stops lagging and try walking forward again. Standing still probably wouldn’t help.
This is a topic/theme I’ve been messing with for a while. Making building / environment that gives me walking in new neighborhood feel.
Right is some older projects. Messing around trying to see what combination is needed to get the right reaction. Also seeing how I could modularize it.
Current version only generates flat terrain so far, but as the “dream” in the name suggest, initial plan was to make it more absurd.
e.g. go into building, when there’s no visible window, ground level could change.
Tile Assets
Current tile spawn order is:
- With gaps for filler
50 x 50
50 x 100 (to be added)
Random path
Building placements
Random height
Random rooms
Clean up
After few importing and messing around in Godot, plan now is to change / unify how I do things:
Redo how rooms are made
Expand tile variation
Clean assets
Room will be changed from, being made fully in Blender to, make smaller assets to be assembled in Godot
Since current method works(?), tile will increase in variation.
e.g. 50 x 100, 100 x 100
Finally, clean & unify existing assets.
Current state of assets, folder structure, origin point, naming, is all over the place. All the left over as I was figuring out how to tackle this project.